Saturday, April 5, 2008

SeePAS here I come!

For the last 6 months, im working on this project (seems like never been done...its kinda "phew~") for a half simulator (i think so :D) that will be use in local optometrist outlet. I'm looking anyone who can be my programmer adviser.

As far as i concern, after done a bit of research (not including TOHNEH) from leading eye inspection company, local optometrists, UKM practitioners and some local university lecturers, there are no such gadget, application or softwares on Malaysia market have the specific criteria like mine. IF, just if anybody have an answer, please give me some "lights" from my cave here... ;p

Fell free to read ;) and looking forward for C&C.

A new multimedia application that will help the smooth sailing one of the important stage in business deal has been proposed. The multimedia application will be named as ‘Common Eyesight Problems Aids and Simulator (CEPAS)’ or it can be pronounced as ‘SeePAS’. CEPAS will be an interactive, enhance graphics, and a simulator aids in one application. It can be enhance the quality of a bulk application, depends on how it will be use. This application will be a primary optometry aid in the optometry shops and will be replace the dull, static unreliable manual optometry aids available in markets now.

In CEPAS, it will contain a basic eye structure enhance graphic, simulator of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and Presbyopia problems and solutions. On the other section will include the simulator of UV coating, polycarbonate lens and polarized lens that being use by manual aids before.

The objective of the project is for cater these specifications:

  1. Optometry shops:

As known, optometry shops are the main player of the optometry industry in this country other than non-profit organizations. Since the nature of this industry is business, the productivity and credibility are the keys to be maintained to be surviving in the industry that is fast forward in this new millennium. Thus, the main objective is lay on the optometry shops in this project. The application will be:

  • Replace the manual optometry aids available.
  • Ease the explanation about the eyesight problems and manual demonstration of types of lenses.
  1. For opticians and optometrists:

Since the closest person to the patients in the optometry shops are the optometrist and opticians, they are included in the objective of this project. They are the person who entertain, examine, prescribe and dispensing the lens to the patients. Not to forget, these are the person to be delivering the explanation of the eyesight problems and demonstrating the types of lenses. This application will be a helping hand to them as:

  • Guideline for opticians and optometrist for explaining eyesight problems and demonstrating types of lenses.
  1. For patients:

Finally, the most precious player in the optometry industry is the patients. On the other words, they also had known as the customer since they are seeking professional advisors and services to fulfil their needs to satisfy themselves. As the matter of fact, the optometry shops are giving the services to the patients. The application will be a:

  • Constant and reliable contents of eyesight problems explanations.
  • Enhanced communication between patients and optometrists and opticians.

The application will be use in optometry shops and it will be projected by desktop computers or/and laptops at the counter to cater the new environment of the delivering and demonstrating explanation of eyesight problems and types of lenses. This application will be used by the in-house optometrist and optician.

CEPAS will be the enhanced graphic application to be use in the needs of new environment of the optometry industry. The have three main sections. There will be the eye structure, eyesight problem explanation and type of lenses simulator.

In the eye structure section, there will be an eye structure that can be move and separated each layer of the structure. This section will be use by the optometrist since they are the person who know well of the eye structure.

The second section of the system, there will be four subsections to cater the myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and Presbyopia problems. There will be a graphic simulation of how the vision of the patient, and how to solve the problems using the prescribe lenses.

On the last section of the system, there will be a simulation of the types of lenses. There will be explaining and demonstrating the UV coating lenses, polycarbonate and polarized lenses.

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